Movies 4 Yahweh Welcomes You
Biblical Scripture Film Production Company
Welcome to Movies 4 Yahweh. Through Biblical Storytelling & Moving Visual Images, we provide the films that many lost & found souls have been seeking their whole life. From Action & Biblical War films to Original Content that ties into scripture, it all gives glory to God & leaves you motivated, inspired, humbled before God & fired up to seek Christ The King
Featured Content
(Up Coming Films)
Though we don't have any films yet, a lot of ideas & creative works are being written as we speak. Here's a list! Stay tuned!

Warriors of Christ The King
Warriors, righteous, holy, divine, fired up, Christ seeking men & women. Brothers & Sisters, prepared to fight the wicked enemy Satan, fearless of man yet fear & trembling before their God. Courageous in faith, mighty & powerful in the name of Jesus Christ they stand. A band of people, lost & spread far & wide, but in spirit, then in flesh, they come together to stand once & for all with their King to bring peace, truth & light back to the world as the darkness finally loses it's grip & is cast away for eternity with it's fate sealed forever

The Lord of Hosts, rested upon Mt. Zion, a film about a man or woman, stumbling upon the mountain, called & chosen by the Holy Spirit to the land, the mountain & eventually, sought out Christ...but the journey there & what he was asked to do in the name of Jesus after the revelation to him of the King, is what very few would ever imagine to not only encounter, but be victorious...for truly, darkness & vast arrays of abominations were his battle against evil, more than man can even know...

The Battle of Thunder
An unlikely outcast from the place in which he came, was in a tunnel, hungry, blinded, lost & hopeless. One day, as the Lord hath planned, he revealed himself to him in the midst of darkness, called him out of the tunnel, showed him what he was to do, called him into courageous faith & out to battle, where the Lord will deliver his promise to the Kingdom () that he had told the priests of a rider that would come out of the land of their oppressors with Thunder & beasts to take back what was theres according to the Lord, his scripture & his promise

The Sword, The Spirit & Faith
Tested by faith, hardship & suffering, all for the Glory of God. Many are called, few are Chosen...
this will be a special story

Fear The Lord
The Glory, Power, Might & Wrath of God. Wisdom comes from fearing him, seek him, love him, know him, serve him & know that he loves you. What better God & King is there to live & die for than the one whom created, loves & died for you, all of your wickedness, sins, folly, wipes away your tears, transgressions, brings you up, brings you low, takes you out & can condemn your soul. Love thy Father, the Good Shepherd with all thy might, strength, mind & heart...for truly, he leads his sheep to still waters & green pastures.

The Book of Judges & all of the wars / stories within it

The Battle against Amalek
The battle of Amalek takes place in the Book of Exodus 15 verse 1 - 17 verse 16.

Film about the Bible Scripture "Chronicles"

Film about the Bible Scripture of "Kings"

SAMEUL 1 & 2
The MOST Cinematic & Immersive representation on The Story of Samuel (1 & 2) and King David, as written in the Holy Bible
Feel free to contact us by scrolling down & submitting a message to us, our team will get in touch with you shortly!
***Eagerly seeking Creative Team Members who Love Christ & either have Biblical Knowledge
or willing to grow in God's word***
"Love the Lord with all your Heart & all your Might."